

Slovakia is a simple and comfortable European jurisdiction. Interest in this country has arisen relatively recently due to…

Slovakia is a simple and comfortable European jurisdiction. Interest in this country has arisen relatively recently due to the simplified procedure of obtaining visas and permanent residence permits.
Great location to start your business in Europe.
At present, a company in Slovakia is a good tool for emigrating to the European Union. A loyal attitude to foreigners allows you to get a visa and residence permit, which distinguishes Slovakia from other European countries.


  • European registration and reputable jurisdiction
  • The trust of European partners and credit institutions
  • Expanding business connections
  • High confidentiality level.


  • Ban on bearer shares
  • Disclosure of earnings in annual reports
  • Mandatory financial statements and annual audit
  • 100 different taxes and fees

Company types

  • Closed joint-stock company with limited liability Spoločnosť S Ručením Obmezeným -s.r.o.
  • Public limited company Akciová Spoločnosť – a.s.
  • Limited and unlimited liability partnerships


All forms of companies in Slovakia are subject to the same regime of taxation – 19% on net profit on income received from Slovakia as well as from abroad;
Branches of foreign companies are taxed in Slovakia only on income from LOCAL sources;
Other taxes on income of companies from receiving:
Dividends – 15%;
Interest – 25%;
Royalties – 25%.

Bank account

A company registered in Slovakia can have a bank account in any other jurisdiction.  In addition to banks in Slovakia, we can open an account in Austria or Liechtenstein, as well as in any other bank of your choice. An account in Austria will be an excellent solution for capital accumulation and preservation, while an account in a Baltic bank or in an offshore bank is good for frequent trading.

The cost of opening an account with more than 100 banks is listed on our price list.

Keywords: buy an offshore company, buy offshore, an offshore company in Europe, offshore register company, offshore, offshore Hong Kong, buy the offshore UK.

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